lunes, abril 30, 2007

Frikadas para taxidermistas aparte, adivinais que encontraron en una de esas cajas del tiempo de los 50'! Porno! ;-)
Y hablando del tiempo y del espacio, un articulo sobre abujeros negros como portales a otros universos (en una publicación respetable).

1 comentario:

nihil dijo...

It seems the only way to decide the issue for sure with astronomical black holes is to make a daring plunge inside." That would be a dangerous gamble, because if it is a black hole, the incredibly strong gravitational field inside would tear apart every atom in your body. Even if it turns out to be a wormhole, the forces inside could still be deadly.

Assuming you could survive, and the wormhole was not symmetric, you might find yourself in another universe on the other side. Without further intervention, the wormhole would tend to suck you back in and carry you back to the opening in your universe. (...)
"The spaceship would do this yo-yo motion," (...)"[But] if you use your fuel, then you can escape from the attracting power of the wormhole and explore" the space on the other side, he says.

But a friend in either universe might have to wait billions of years to hear back from you, since the transit time could be excruciatingly long.

Such a delay would make meaningful communication with anyone on the other side impossible. But the delay gets smaller with smaller wormholes. If a microscopic wormhole could be found or constructed, the delay across it could be as short as a few seconds

agujero negro o agujero de gusano, he aqui la cuestion, lo q no veo tan claro es la posibilidad real de uso (trasmision de info, vale, pero los aceleradores de particulas entran en el campo de la magia para mi) aparte me ha recordado un dibujo de Forges, en el q la gente de visita (en el futuro) lugares lejanos y esperan partes de su cuerpo, un rollo maletas en el aeropuerto, y se quejan de lo mal q funciona, q si a uno le falta la pierna a otro le extraviaron el brazo... (ya imagino q serian atomos, no extremidades completas, pero hace gracia)
voy a ver si me aparece una puerta a otra dimension en el salon de casa y m,e voy a un mundo mejor
ps, q es daring plunge?